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ENERGY STAR Products and the Environment
The ENERGY STAR podcast is a collection of conversations about energy efficiency. EPA staff talk with a variety of business analysts, technology experts, policymakers, and media. These recordings cover market trends, consumer preferences, energy reduction solutions, new products and efficiency standards, and even some retail training information.

ENERGY STAR Consumer Products and the Environment
  • Plugged-In with ENERGY STAR - EPA's Consumer Electronics Podcast
    Join the experts at ENERGY STAR as we discuss the latest trends in consumer electronics with some of the leaders in the field. This podcast will help consumers stay on the edge of innovation, while still making the most energy efficient purchase.

  • Illuminated – EPA's Lighting Podcast: Part 1
    Can't keep track of all the new energy-efficient lighting options out there? Check out ENERGY STAR's Illuminated podcast – we've got experts and opinions on what's new, what's cool, and how YOU can make sense of it all. Join host Brittney Gordon-Williams of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and her panel of lighting experts – they'll discuss the latest lighting options, new attitudes about lighting and give tips on buying bulbs.

    Part 1: Suffering from shopper's block? Listen up! You'll learn what you need to know when facing down the lighting aisle – what bulb goes in what fixture and which bulb is best. We'll tell you all that and more.

  • Illuminated – EPA's Lighting Podcast: Part 2
    Can't keep track of all the new energy-efficient lighting options out there? Check out ENERGY STAR's Illuminated podcast – we've got experts and opinions on what's new, what's cool, and how YOU can make sense of it all. Join host Brittney Gordon-Williams of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and her panel of lighting experts – they'll discuss the latest lighting options, new attitudes about lighting and give tips on buying bulbs.

    Part 2: Our experts get trendy and look at how attitudes about lighting are changing in the market, give more tips on buying bulbs, explore different standards, and look ahead to the future of lighting.

  • Bring your Green to Work
    Join green guru Danny Seo as he takes viewers on a behind-the-scenes tour of an ENERGY STAR building. Learn what makes a building energy efficient and what you can do to help.

  • ENERGY STAR In Your Office
    Learn how ENERGY STAR qualified computers and monitors and other office equipment can save you energy, money, and help protect the environment. Also learn how to get the most energy and money savings from your computer by enabling the power management features on your models. Use this video to help educate your employees and customers!